Hello. I am Zuqi

I am a



Feburary 2019 - Present

Software Engineer - Natural Language Understanding

  • Working at SoundHound Headquarters in Santa Clara

Electronic Arts

June 2018 - Present

Software Engineering Intern

  • Build a serverless application on AWS to provision and destroy Kubernetes clusters using Terraform
  • Build the frontend using React
  • Build the backend using AWS APIGateway, Lambda functions, DynamoDB, and Golang
  • Support multiple cloud providers including AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure
  • Shorten the current deployment workflow from up to a week down to a few minutes


July 2017 - September 2017

Software Engineering Intern

  • Implemented asynchronous HTTP batch request plugin
  • Fixed numerous bugs in existing projects
  • Deployed Jupyterhub on corporate network and write documentation for the project

UC San Diego

March 2016 - June 2017

Undergraduate CSE Tutor

  • Tutored for two undergraduate programming classes instructed by Prof. Rick Ord
  • Guided students through their Java, C and assembly programming assignments
  • Proctored exams and graded programming assignments



July 2017

  • Implemented an API which stores and retrieves messages from a MongoDB database
  • Generated a unique random key which can be used to retrieve the stored message
  • Created a single page front end web app which makes API call to the backend

VueExpressNode.jsMongoDBRuby on Rails

  • Implemented a library which gets course info and grades from given GradeSource url
  • Output data as JSON
  • Tested using ava test framework
  • Got hundreds of downloads on NPM


Personal website

September 2016 - Present

  • Preprocessed the stylesheets with Sass
  • Used harp.js to automate the build process
  • Deployed automatically to GitHub Pages using Travis CI


  • Designed and coded a command line version of the Tic Tac Toe game
  • Practiced object-oriented programming paradigm




Python Java C/C++ HTML CSS JavaScript Node.js SQL Ruby Go


ReactExpressReact NativeVueRuby on RailsFirebaseAWSTerraformKubernetesDocker


Rubik's CubePianoPhotography